Monday, April 14, 2008

In-Class, April 14: Peer-Edit Session

For our peer-editing session today about the research package, fill in all the points on the peer editor's sheet, and also look for:

HOC (Higher Order Concerns; i.e., organization, format, ideas, logic, content, etc.)
LOC (Lower Order Concerns; i.e., grammar, spelling, punctuation, text flow, etc.).

You're allowed to write on the original paper (in a different color, please). In case you're peer-editing an electronic version instead of a paper copy, you have to insert electronic comments, and you also need to fill in the peer editor's sheet electronically, because you need to email both to your peer and in cc to me by the end of today's class.

For those who peer-edit paper copies: I'll bring a stapler. Staple your peer editor sheet at the back of the research package you've graded, and hand everything in to me. I'll give it a quick check (but only for HOC), and you'll get the packages back on Wednesday for final revision. THEY ARE DUE THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 18th, AS PAPER COPIES, COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENT. No late papers accepted.


When you're done peer-editing today, work on your movie. There's an additional task for the movie paper: Of course, we'll present our findings to the class in some way. Thus, in the last days of class, we're going to have some fun - you need to demonstrate your movie critique on the smartboard, showing the class a clip from YouTube or a DVD with some excerpt of your movie, and explain to them (orally) why it was a good or a bad movie, and where the SOCIAL MESSAGE is, and how effectively it is communicated. Also, each of you has to publish the MOVIE SUMMARY that you wrote at the beginning of your movie essay on the blog. Publish the summaries under the blog thread "MOVIE SUMMARIES," so that everybody can find them. Most of you have typed the summaries already, so you just need to copy and paste. Those that I've read were really good. Just remember to have NO PERSONAL EVALUATION in the summary; that comes later, in your critique. Also, publish your RATING SCALE on the blog. You can insert icons for that if you have some!!! Right before your SUMMARY, publish your scale on the blog, and say how good/bad the movie is.

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