Monday, March 3, 2008

Due Dates this week

Due on Wednesday as an email to me (AND bring hard copies on Friday for peer-editing):

1) the essay format (1 - 1 1/2 pp.) for "The Bush Revolution," made out of your outline 2
2) the essay format (1 - 1 1/2 pp.) for "Rights to Remember," made out of your outline 1 (this one had been due for today already)

Due on Friday (as an email to me, and bring a hard copy for peer-editing):

1) the essay format of the comparison part of "The Bush Revolution" and "Rights to Remember."

For this part, make sure you integrate the points mentioned on your prompt for essay 2 which I distributed today (you also have it in an email).


1) your dark blue textbook, The Aims of Argument (or a paper copy of the article "The Velvet Hegemon," if you don't have the book

2) your A Writer's Resource, if you want to look up grammar rules, or quotations

3) your prepared Works Cited page (if you want to prepare it) in MLA style, using "Rpt. in...."

4) your outline, if you want to prepare one at home for this article (it's like a cheat sheet; you can write arguments on there, or the thesis; but not a whole introduction or conclusion)

YOU CAN EITHER TYPE, or HANDWRITE your mid-term exam essay! If you type, make sure you save it on the desktop, a memory stick, or a CD, so you don't lose any data. If you type, you will email it to me two minutes before our session ends (10:48), so that you still have time to log out before the next class takes an exam in our room...

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