Thursday, March 20, 2008

In-Class, March 21st

HOMEWORK for next Monday, 24th, is what we didn't finish in this Wednesday's class:

Find three research essays dealing with your survey topic (one from JSTOR, one from ERIC, and one from Morris Library).

b) Write a Works Cited page for these three research essays in MLA style.

2) Find and type the passages out of these research essays that you want to quote in your own paper (at least one per essay). Email me your quotes (the text, and the citations for your Works Cited page, so I know where your quotes come from!).

3) Also, type the two quotes from your two essays out of the blue textbook that you chose. AND add those two articles to your Works Cited page above.

Email the whole thing to me, or print it out and bring it to class on Monday.


1) We are getting together in groups, according to the topics of the surveys you've chosen. Hopefully, we'll have groups covering all the different topics (feminism, homosexuality, race, education, genetics). There must be 2-4 people per group.

2) Each group will post the following table (INFORMATION SHEET) on the blog as a new thread:

Survey Topic:

Link to Survey:

Group Members:



Anticipated Outcome:

Statement of Need:

Each group will fill in these pieces of information (except for the link to your survey; which, of course, doesn't exist yet!!) The reason why we publish the link to our group's survey later is that other groups will take your survey, in order to find out whether it is user-friendly and works well. I'll give you an example of a filled-in information sheet below:


Survey Topic: "Grammar Teaching in Foreign Language Classrooms"

Link to Survey:

Group Members: Mr. X, Ms. Y

Audience: 20 high school teachers of Spanish classes

Purpose: To find out what Spanish teachers in high school think about teaching grammar in their classes, and how much time they dedicate to grammar teaching.

Anticipated Outcome: Most will say that communicating and writing stories is more important than learning pure grammar rules. We anticipate that 70% of the Spanish high school teachers will say they focus on talking, learning vocabulary, and writing, and 30% will say they do a lot of grammar, tables, and rules. We guess that more than half of the teachers dedicate 5 minutes or less to teaching grammar in one lesson.

Statement of Need: Our survey is important, because it sheds light on how much grammar is actually taught in foreign language high school classes. Maybe, more grammar should be taught. Or maybe, the teachers should focus more on communicating, because their students can write, but don't know or don't dare to speak in Spanish.

Take about 15-20 minutes to fulfill this task (publish your blog thread).

NEXT TASK: (15 min.)

After that, each group will get a account. ATTENTION: You have to "label" your account (ENGL102-27, Spring 2008) so that you can easily find it, as there are lots of surveys on Surveymonkey already!!!)

This is how you name your survey:

Last names comma topic survey


Miller,Baker,Fisher, autism survey

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