Monday, April 14, 2008

Movie Summaries

This is the blog thread where everyone has to post his/her movie summary and rating scale as a comment!


Brittany said...

I am Legend Summary

“I am Legend” is a 2007 post-apocalyptic science fiction horror film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. Smith plays Robert Neville, who thinks he may be Earth’s only surviving human not affected by a vicious man-made virus. He works to create a cure while living in New York City with mutant victims of the virus. The story starts in 2012, when a genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created to cure cancer, turned into a sickly virus that infected humans and some animals. The species that were infected turned into a mean aggressive state and reacted painfully to UV radiation, forcing them to hide in dark places until sundown. The survivors were hunted and killed by the infected.

Neville’s daily routine is to try to find a cure for the deadly virus, and trips through the city to find food and supplies. He waits each day for a response from his automated radio broadcast, which instructs any human not infected to meet him mid day at South Street Seaport. Flashbacks reveal that his wife and daughter had previously died during the evacuation of New York City. Neville is alone except for his dog, Samantha (Sam), and mannequins that he set up in the video store, and recordings of old news and entertainment broadcasts.

Neville tries many various solutions to kill the virus that was previously spread. He finally captures one of the infected females and tries to treat her repeatedly. After many trials, he finally made the infected woman feel better and back to normal. By this time, an infected male had come and attacked Neville’s home. He then retreats to his laboratory in the basement of his house, and sacrifices his life to kill all the infected people by pulling the pin on a hand grenade.

CJ said...

United 93 was a movie that was produced in 2006 that chronicles significant events
aboard this flight which was hijacked during the September 11, 2001 attacks. The film tries
to recount what really happened that fateful day, but some imagination was used to help the
audience speculate the details of what went on during the hijacking. United 93 was also made
with the cooperation of the passenger’s families, according to filmmakers.
The movie begins on the early morning of September 11, 2001 with the hijackers praying
in their hotel room, and passengers gathering for boarding flight 93. It is a normal day at Newark
International and everything is the same routine but all of this is going to change in a matter of
hours. In the control tower, the people start to get a feeling that something is wrong when one of
the airplane is drifting off course. United 93, which is a Boeing 757, departs from the gate at the
airport and starts to taxi to the runway. There is a short delay due to traffic but, the plane lifts off
after a minor delay, shortly after takeoff, the first plane hits the World Trade Center but it is not
known to many people yet. On board flight 93, the terrorists are determining when they should
hijack the plane, but eventually one of them goes to the bathroom and assembles a so-called
bomb. When he exits he gives out word to the passengers that he has a bomb, the other terrorists
also get up and storm the cockpit, killing both the pilot and co-pilot. This is when most of the
passengers start to realize what is going on and many begin to call their relatives on the phone.
As the terrorists put their plot into motion, a second plane smashes into the World Trade Center
and another hits the pentagon. The passengers then decide that they have had enough and plot to
foil the terrorists’ plan. A few sneak to the back where the use ordinary tools as weapons against
the hijackers, the passengers then start to fight off the terrorists and almost gain entrance into the
cockpit, but the plane crashes into a field near Shanksville. The movie ends with telling the last
bit of details of United 93.

sesmith said...


“The world is yours chico.” Famous words from the Druglord Tony Montana, a character in the 1983 movie Scarface. Scarface is a movie about a Cuban immigrant, who is willing to do anything, even risk his own life to gain the American dream; money, power, and women. The movie deals with certain social messages such as, drugs, gang life , and immigration.

my rating scale is done in guns.
1 gun = horrible
2 guns= bad
3 guns= mediocre
4 guns = good
5 guns = amazing

sreents said...

Powder: I give this movie 5 lightning bolts

The movie Powder was released in 1995 and it starred actor such as Sean Patrick Flanery, as Jeremy, Mary Steenburgen, as Jessie, Jeff Goldbloom, as Donald, and Lance Henriksen, as Sheriff Doug Barnum. This movie portrays a young man who from the time he was born was different. The main character Jeremy is an albino with special powers who was abandoned by his father shortly after he was born. After his grandfather dies he is forced to live in state owned housing for troubled boys in a small Texas town, where he is tormented and called a freak. Jessie, Steenburgen, convinces Jeremy to attend a public school in town. He soon after meets a pretty redhead named Lindsey who accepts him instantly. Donald, Goldbloom, also takes a liking to Jeremy and tries to help him feel accepted and is fascinated by the abilities Jeremy portrays. Another main focus of this movie is the strange things that started to happen after Jeremy arrived and the town’s people became scared of him. Throughout this movie Jeremy also helps many people discover things about themselves and he leaves the people around him with a feeling of being enlightened. This movie has a very unfortunate ending but it makes death seem different then if has ever seemed before, leaving the people behind him with a sense of calm and peace.

ashleyj said...

Directed by Paul Haggis, the movie Crash is full of distinguished actors and actresses, including Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Brendan Fraser, Terrence Howard, Ryan Phillippe and many more. The issues of race and gender cause several groups of strangers from Los Angeles, California to come together in a plot that makes us think of our own beliefs and morals. Each stranger has their own story to tell; an African American police detective whose brother is a street criminal and whose girlfriend is Hispanic, an L.A district attorney, whose wife’s worst fears of people pf color comes into effect when they are high-jacked by two African Americans. She later judges a young Hispanic locksmith as being a gang member when he is really a loving and devoted father who comes close to losing his daughter because of an enraged Middle Eastern shopkeeper, whose shop was broken into, and he thinks it’s because the locksmith didn’t do his job. Many other people of different ethnicities are intertwined and each learns a thing or two about the treatment of others and how the simplicity of communication and acceptance can save a person’s life.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 cars, only because I wish that some of the stories were elaborated, yet the point of the plot was well delivered.

Dephane said...

Blackhawk Down Summary:

"Blackhawk Down" is the 2001 actual event war film by Jerry Bruckheimer. It has full cast from Joshua Hartnett, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana and William Fichtner are among the leading characters. They all play soldiers in the elite group of Army Rangers and Delta Force that are sent into Somalia to capture a violent warlord who has the torn Mogadishu in half.

But into the mission everything goes wrong and two blackhawk helicopters are shot down and it is turned into a rescue mission to get the pilots out before the guerrillas and gangs get to them. It is a fight for their lives and they will not leave a man behind. The movie depicts the personal emotions of the soldiers as they go to save their wounded men and what was their real reason for being there if they were not able to get all they have came for. Sadly 19 of the soldiers were lost in the raid. But it would seem that the survivors are left with a bitter sorrowful reminder of what was suppose to be a quick raid of the warlord that turned out bad.

Dr. Voss said...

Oceans 11 was produced in 2001 by Steven Soderburgh.This movie deals with many social issues but in particular it deals with the social issue of revenge and robbery. The Plot of the movie is to rob 3 Las Vegas casinos. The social issue of revenge comes into play in part because the person they are stealing from, Andy Garcia, is dating the main character’s , George Clooney, ex-wife, Julia Robert, and he wants her back. The movie starts off with Danny Ocean, George Clooney, getting released from jail then going back to his old life of robbery. He re-contacts old friends with his never before done plan. The plan being to rob 3 Las Vegas casinos (Bellagio, The Mirage, and the MGM Grand) during the most popular sport event of the year, Boxing. The movie is filled with extremely famous actors such as: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Andy Garcia, Don Cheadle, Elliot Gould, Eddie Jemison, Bernie Mac, Casey Affleck, Scott Caan.

Jerad Romine

Lashawnda T said...

Higher Learning Summary

This movie examines the political and racial dilemmas that some college students face when attending college for their first year. The students are forced to integrate with others from different countries, races, and social backgrounds. This causes a problem because everyone has their own problems such as harassment, personal safety, and self doubt. But everyone on the campus seems to have a problem with racism.

Brandon said...

The last man on earth is not alone. Will smith plays the lone survivor in this action epic. Somehow immune to an unstoppable, incurable virus, Robert Neville is the last human survivor in New York City. With mutant plague victims watching and waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find an antidote using his own immune blood. But his time may be running out.
I Am Legend starts off by showing a news interview with a woman, the Doctor who created the plague virus. Alone with his dog Robert Neville, explores New York City, while searching for a cure to the virus. In the end Neville finds a cure for the virus, but at the coast of his own life to save it.
~Brandon Bone

chris said...

The movie troy came out in 2004. it is a movie based on war. the movie is about a how the princes of troy Hector and Paris went to Sparta to make a peace agreement and while they was there Paris had an affair with the queen of Sparta.Paris convinced the queen to come back to Troy with them. When the king of Sparta found out he was enraged and got help brother who was the king of he Greeks to go to war against Troy. The prince of Troy Hector lead the Trojans while the warrior Achillies lead the Spartans and Greeks

cburg said...

The film “Forrest Gump” opens with Forrest Gump waiting on a bus bench. He begins random conversations with complete strangers about his life. Thus, he begins to describe his childhood in Greenbow, Alabama. Gump had a less-than-average IQ for a boy his age, and because of that, other kids made fun of him. A young girl by the name of Jenny, who is abused by her father, befriended Forrest on the school bus. The two remained best friends throughout high school, where Forrest is realized to be a very fast runner and is given a scholarship to play college football. Eventually, Gump is drafted to the Vietnam War, where he met Bubba and Lieutenant Dan; Gump befriended both men. After Bubba dies and Lieutenant Dan lost both of his legs, Forrest opened a shrimp-boating business, something Bubba had always wanted to do. Lieutenant Dan became Gump’s first mate. The two became very successful, but all Gump could think about was his childhood friend, Jenny, and what became of her. Gump’s mother died of cancer, and he returned home for good. Jenny, after several years of abusing drugs and living the hippie lifestyle, showed up at Forrest’s house out of the blue, and Forrest fell in love with her. Jenny left abruptly after he confessed his love for her; he then inspired a huge jogging craze, and Jenny saw him on the news. Gump received a letter from Jenny that he should come to her house; he finds out they have a young son, and also that Jenny has aids and is going to die. The movie proves that anyone, regardless of IQ, can love anyone.

David Newton said...

Blow Summary

The movie starts off with a story told by the main character George Jung. He goes into a flashback and talk about how his family was good and his dad is a plumber, but while life was going good for a while things turn bad and his parents start to fight. He from then on vows to himself to never let his life turn into the same situation as his parents.
From there the movie goes to California George moves out there with his best friend Tuna to get away from his parents and to start a new life. Tuna then comes up with a plan to sell marijuana on the beaches, from this they start to be come some of the biggest marijuana dealers around. They soon become big and start selling it back east through some friends. George then gets busted with 600 pounds of marijuana in Chicago and goes to jail.
While he is jail his cellmate informs him about cocaine, he then gets the idea once they are out to become cocaine dealers. They soon get rich selling cocaine. He meets a girl and marries her and they buy a huge house. He then becomes one of the most powerful drug dealers in the United States. He is known for selling 85% of the cocaine in the United States. Him and his wife have a daughter, and is going to try to clean up since he is set for the rest of his life.
Once he gets clean he finds out that the bank that he had been taking all of his money to has confiscated the money and that they are broke now. His wife then divorces him and takes the daughter. He then decides he is going to do one more deal to get some money and take his daughter to California.
The last deal he did was a set up and the FBI arrests him, and he goes to jail for life. He is still in jail to this day and his daughter has not come to visit, which is his only relative left alive.

densch said...

Juno Summary

Juno is a witty, sarcastic, teen who gets pregnant by her best friend. The movie is about how she deals with the idea of being pregnant and the decisions she makes along the way. Juno seems not to have a care in the world as she shoots witty and comedic comments at everyone around her. Juno never really lets this pregnancy bother her. After considering aborting the fetus, and even going to the abortion clinic, she decides to plan an adoption with an upper-class couple being the adoptive parents.
After she decided to give the baby up for adoption she went to her father and step-mother to tell them about the pregnancy. They said after that they had hoped she was expelled from school or had received a DUI. Both parents are very supportive of Juno and her father goes with her to meet the adoptive parents.
She really likes the adoptive parents and has much in common with the husband. The mother is more uptight, however, and would love nothing more than to start a family, but the husband seems to have his doubts throughout the film. Juno’s relationships with everyone in the film seem to change in one way or another.

bettie said...

We are Marshall is the story of one towns devastating loss of 75 members of the town from one of the worst sports accident. The boosters had to rebuild a new team and its town. Some people felt that it was wrong to continue with the football program. But after hiring a coach who helped, when no other coach would take on the challenges.

April 23, 2008 8:00 AM

Lashawnda T said...

My movie is american gangster and this is story of frank lucas and the riser and fall of his criminal career he statts off small and than becomes the most powerful man in harlem before he has a swift from the top as a desperate cop tracks his every move and ends up in jail

By justin kozak