Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Evaluation of Visual Arguments

1st part of lesson:
Today, we will examine a few of our VISUAL ARGUMENTS as to whether they make a "good argument," and convey PATHOS while catching the viewers' attention.This is the link to our VISUAL ARGUMENTS.

Click on SLIDE SHOW, so that we can talk about the pictures we see.

Use the grading handout I've distributed, to mark how many points the posters would get in your opinion for each category of evaluation. We will do the first one together on paper. Then, you will pick ONE of the posters, and fill in this online survey for this one poster.

When we're done, in order to get back to our blog, hit the BACK KEY until you're on the blog site again.

2nd part of lesson:

Peer-edit of the whole "Why Terrorism" essay


1) Write your name and your email on an index card (legible!!)

2) Put card in hat for lottery

3) Pull a card

4) Email your essay to the person on your card. You will likewise get an email from the person who pulled your name. If you don't have your own essay, you'll get an F for this assignment. If nobody sends you an essay, I will provide you with an extra essay (either a paper copy, or an electronic version), so you can do the assignment and get all the points.

5) Save your peer's essay on your desktop, and then edit it professionally with the "comment" button.

6) Send the peer-edited essay back to your peer, together with a MEMO in MEMO format (the MEMO can be in the email, not a new word document) of what your peer should improve, and what you found especially good or bad. Remember that positive feedback is very important, too! Email me a copy of your email (doc.voss@gmail.com).

7) Homework for Friday: You know it already -- finish your song essay, and bring it on paper AND in an electronic version to class on Friday for another round of peer-editing!!!

8) If you were SICK today (excused; or otherwise officially excused, such as athletes) and missed class, it is your own responsibility to email one of your peers from our email list and ask him/her to exchange essays with you. Tell me who this person is, because he/she will get extra credit for doing the work twice.

EXTRA CREDIT means I will grade your work, and you can miss one other homework of about the same value (thus, not a big final unit essay, obviously), and you will get this grade for the missed work instead. If you don't miss anything, the extra credit will count towards your final grade to raise it.

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