Monday, February 25, 2008

It's Your Choice

Bettie and Sara R.

“A mother deciding to abort her fetus should not be considered a murderer if the she is told that the child has a sever abnormality or deformity.”

Before we can explain the different views surrounding this issue we must define several of these terms. Murder is the unlawful killing of a person with malice aforethought. An abnormality is a subjectively defined characteristic, assigned to those with rare or dysfunctional conditions. A deformity is a major difference in the shape of the body, a body part, or a body organ (internal or external) compared to the average shape of the part in question. According to most born again Christians abortion is considered wrong at any time and for any reason. Many Christians believe that it is Gods job to take life and that decision is not ours. (link)
Whereas parents are concerned, most decided that abortion is not an option. For instance parents who are told their child has cystic fibrosis feel that considering abortion would be considered rejection of their affected child. Majority of women who opt to receive an abortion tend to have children with severe mental retardation. (link)

We personally feel that a mother's choice to abort her severely abnormal or otherwised deformed fetus is a personal decision. It can only be made by the mother herself and the decision is based off personal beliefs and morals.

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