Monday, February 25, 2008

wrong conviction

Justin Kozak

“It should be mandatory for a state to provide reparations to someone who was wrongly accused, and sent to jail.”

Wrongly Accused- incorrect person charged with a crime

Mandatory- obligated or required

I believe that reparations should be mandatorily given to someone who was falsely accused and sentenced to jail, by the state and possibly even the government as well. It is not right for someone to be innocent and be subjected to the hardships of prison, not to mention the loss of time that they will never get back. There should be no mistakes when it comes to someone’s freedom and to show this the ones who mess up will have to pay those whose lives they ruined and reputations they tarnished.
The state expresses sympathy for it’s’ mistake and offers an apology but that is it. They do not offer any reparations believing that the gaining of their freedom is reparation enough. They believe that it is an acceptable loss in maintaining the security of our nation.

It is unacceptable to just offer someone a sorry here you go after you have destroyed their lives. Who is to say what they would have accomplished if they were free; who is to say that they will ever get their lives on track again. To make sure they do, and to make sure that there is justice we will pay them to not only give them what they deserve, but to show that they are truly sorry.

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