Friday, February 29, 2008

In-Class, Feb. 29th

Today, we are going over our outlines of "The Bush Revolution," pp. 391-398.

Before we start, you have to do online research and find out the following:

PROMPT 1: Each one post a short answer to the following questions on this blog as a comment:

1)What does this mean (p. 396, third paragraph):

"After a decade of Prometheus playing pygmy, the first task of the new [Bush] administration is precisely to reassert American freedom of action."

(Who was Prometheus? What did he do? What were the consequences? What is similar in his action and the action of America as a World Power?)

2) What does that mean (p. 397, first paragraph):

"Gulliver must shed the constraints that he helped the Lilliputians weave."
(Who was Gulliver? What did he do? In how far is this similar to the situation in America?)

3) Define "unilateral," and "multilateral" (p. 397, second paragraph).

When we're done with this task, we will go through our outlines together, which I will later collect for grading (your ORIGINALS, not what you copy from the board).


Create a t-chart, on one side the pro-Bush text, on the other side the anti-Bush text ("The Bush Revolution," and "Rights to Remember").

Use the following qualifiers to compare those two texts:

1. main thesis of the author
2. strength/support/his sources of his claims (ethos; credibility)
3. arguments (ethos/logos/pathos; inform/convince/explore; define)
4. how does author connect to audience? (who is audience?)
5. style (rhetorical figures; readability)
6. effectiveness (how convincing is he?)

Finally, when you've filled in this chart, explain in one short thesis statement which text is more CONVINCING.

Do the chart in word.doc by inserting a TABLE, and email that chart to me. If you can't finish in class today, email it to me today some time (deadline: midnight).

PREVIEW of our following activities:

1) We will put our OUTLINE I about the anti-Bush text into a real text format
(1 - 1 1/2 pages). This is due next Monday; bring it to class as a print-out. We're doing peer-editing. If you don't have it, you can't participate, and won't get the points.

2) We will put our OUTLINE II about the pro-Bush text into a real text format
(1 - 1 1/2 pages)This is due next Wednesday (email it, because we have the mid-term exam, and I'm not going to waste time collecting print-outs!!!)

3) We will put our chart into a real text format (our RHETORICAL COMPARISON of two texts about the same topic). This is due Friday next week (email it to me for grading, because you need the original. AND bring the print-out to class for peer-editing.)

Due on Monday after Spring Break:
Just put essay I and essay II and the comparison behind each other, and make one long essay out of them (4-6 pages). You have to add a short intro and a conclusion that deal with all THREE points, not the single components.


zach said...

1. Prometheus is a titan in Greek mythology who stole fire from heaven and gave it to the mortals for their use. He was punished by Zeus by being chained to a rock where he was devoured from vultures daily. This character relates to George Bush because many people feel that Bush should be punished for his actions (war related.)

CJ said...

Prometheus was a titan who was known for his intelligence. According to greek mythology, he first tricked the gods into eating bones instead of meat and he then stole the fire from them. Eventually he was punished by being chained to a rock while birds feasted on him. Prometheus is compared to Bush because people feel that he should be tortured mercilessly for putting many people through war.

densch said...

1. Prometheus, in Greek mythology, was a titan that stole fire from the Greek God Zeus. He was being punished for this act. This act seemed like a good idea when he did it, just like the invasion of Iraq seemed like a good idea.
2. Gulliver was a man who traveled to many remote locations throughout the world. The Lilliputians are 6 inch tall men that believe they are just as important. This relates to the American people and George Bush. He is big and we are just little people.
3. Unilateral: one or undertaken by one nation or party
Multilateral: involving or participated in by more than two nations or parties

cburg said...

*Prometheus was the son of the Titans. He tricked the gods into eating bare bones instead of good meat. Zeus commanded that Prometheus be chained for eternity in the caucasus. Every day an eagle would eat his liver, and every day the liver would grow back. The punishment was eternal. America is now being punished for the actions
taken by George Bush, such as the war in Iraq.
*Gulliver was an unofficial leader of an early incarnation of the League. He traveled throughout many regions, where each contained a hidden political view. The governments are worse/better/worse/ better than England's. America is trying to thrust Democracy on the rest of the world because we believe it is better than their form of government.
*Unilateral- undertaken or done by or on behalf of one side, party, or fraction only; not mutual.
*Multilateral- participated in by more than two nations, parties, etc.
-Chelsea Burg

Jerad said...

1.) Prometheus is a Greek Mythology Titian that is known for bring fire to humans. He played a vital role in the early development of mankind. The consequences of this were that the female race was made and also that Prometheus was to be chained to a rock and have his regenerating liver eaten daily by a vulture. America is the Greek god Zeus and the terrorists are Prometheus that rebel against Zeus.

-Jerad Romine

David Newton said...

1) Prometheus was an ancient greet titan. He stole Zeus's fire to give to the humans to use. Prometheus gets punished for this but Prometheus from then on was a major role in humanity. Everyone was against him at the time just like a lot of people are against President Bush in Iraq.

2) Gulliver is a character in the 1726 novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In the story there were two islands that were at war with each other and Gulliver was the person who helped them become friends and not enemies anymore.

3)Unilateral- is relating to, occurring on, or involving one side only

Multilateral- having several or many sides; many-sided.

ashleyj said...

1.)Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to humans to use. Zeus ends up punishing Prometheus, but later Prometheus becomes the benefactor of humanity, while the others are seen as vicious Gods. This is similar to Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq because everyone is ridiculing him now, but he feels that in the end he will be seen the same as Prometheus.

2.)Gulliver is the main character in the book "Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift. He helped stop the war between the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians. This is similar to the fights between Americans and Israelites. Bush wants to solve the problem between us.

3.)Unilateral means undertaken or done by or on behalf of one side, party, or faction only; not mutual. Multilateral means participated in by more than two nations, parties, etc.

bettie said...

Multilateralism is a term in international relations that refers to multiple countries working in concert on a given issue.
Unilateralism is the exercise of a foreign policy that pays little or no regard to the views of Allies.Bush needs to look at any situation from all points of view instead of just American views

mfitts said...

1) Prometheus is a Titan known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals for their use. He was also known for creating mankind from clay. Zeus punished Prometheus everyday for this act. This story is in relation to the Bush/American way because it shows that Bush and Prometheus are two of the same type of people, because Prometheus did get punished for his actions and many people think Bush should be punished for his.
2) Gulliver was a man who traveled to many different places around the world. The Lilliputians symbolize humankind’s wildly excessive pride in its own puny existence. Therefore this shows that Bush is big and we are the small people.
3) Unilateral means done or undertaken by one person or party and multilateral means done or undertaken by many persons or parties.
-Michael Fitts

sreents said...

1. Prometheus was believed to be a Greek Titan who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals for their use. By saying that Prometheus was playing pygmy, I believe this is like saying, he was pretending to be something he wasn't for decades(a pygmy: small African people) and playing a smaller role that he was intended to play in society. This could relate to the Bush administration because it is saying that after years of the United States playing small roles it is now time for them to step up and defend Americas freedom just like Prometheus taking the fire(freedom) from Zeus and giving it to mortals(Americans).

2. Gulliver was the main character in the book Gulliver's Travels. He visited a small group of people named the Lilliputians, these were nasty, proud people. In this particular novel the Lilliputians were meant to symbolize corrupt politicians. Gulliver had to break free of these corrupt people who plan to kill him but he king gives tries to be kind and instead plans to blind and starve him. This is similar to the United States because in the text it is saying that we as the United States need to cast off it's restraints to maintain it's full power just like Gulliver needed to do to save his life.

3. Unilateral: a doctrine or agenda that supports one-sided action.

Multilateral: refers to multiple countries working together on a given issue.

sesmith said...

1.Prometheus was a titan known for his witty intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to morals for their use. Since he stole fire from Zeus he was chained to rock where he was continually picked at by vultures. Over the past 8 years, people are very unhappy with bushes decision to continually send troops over seas and to keep fighting this war. People would probably like to see Bush in Prometheus's situation.

2. Gulliver was first a surgeon then he was a captain of several ships.Gulliver assists the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbors the Blefuscudians by stealing their fleet. This story is about the real life fighting of France and England, so related to America it can represent the Fighting between The middle east and America.

3. unilateral- undertaken or done by or on behalf of one side, party, or faction only; not mutual

multilateral-having several or many sides; many-sided

zach said...

2. Gulliver was a captain of many ships that traveled to many remote nations of the world. On his first voyage, he was washed ashore after a shipwreck where he was held prisoner of a race of people who were one-twelfth his size. After showing good behavior towards the people, he then became the favorite of their court. This character relates to the situation in America because the people of the country where Gulliver ended up were pleased with his behavior so he was granted authority (George W. Bush.)

chris said...

Prometheus was a titan who sided with Zeus because he foresaw the defeat of the titans. he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. Prometheus and bush are alike because Bush that bush was wrong in his past events of the world.

CJ said...

Gulliver was a man who helped the lilliputians, who were only 6 inch people, fight against their enemies by stealing the fleet of the enemy. It relates to Bush because he thinks he is this powerful person who can trample on anyone that he wants.

unilateral- pertaining to a contract that can be formed only when the party to whom an offer is made renders the performance for which the offeror bargains.

multilateral-participated in by more than two nations, parties, etc.; multipartite

Brandon said...

1)I think the quote means that after a decade of having laws against torture Bush is now taking action against that law and making it legal to torture. It contradicts some of our rights to privacy and they are similar because they both seem to do what they want.

3)Unilateral-is having one side or one way of seeing and thinking.
Multilateral-is having many sides and ways of seeing and thinking.
~Brandon Bone

bettie said...

1.Is a Titan known for his wily intelligence He tricked the gods into eating bare bones instead of good meat?

Jerad said...

2.) Gulliver is a seagull that provides rare items from all around the world. In the book Animal Crossing, Gulliver washes up on the beach, telling stories about a shipwreck. Bush persuaded people that he was the favorite and it gave him a lot of authority and that’s what happened to Gulliver.

-Jerad Romine

Jerad said...

3.) Unilateral: Undertaken or done by or on behalf of one side.

Multilateral: Having several or many sides.

-Jerad Romine

zach said...

3. Unilateral is defined as being done or undertaken by one person or party. Multilateral refers to having many sides

Ally said...

1. Prometheus was a well known intelligent titan that gave power to mortals. He was later recognized and blamed for his actions. This relates to the article because they are referring to Bush as Prometheus and explaining that he is going to give back America's freedom of actions. They feel that due to recent events it has been taken away and Bush is going to reassure America of there freedom. In the end, he may be recognized or blamed, as was Prometheus.

2. Gulliver is a character is a famous book. The book of "Gulliver's travel" is the story of man who travels to many places. At one point is the book he encounters two feuding countries. The country that he sides with is Lilliput. He takes on the role of a citizen and helps them attack their rival. in the end, he did not want to follow the king's order and was sent to prison for Treason. It was the feuding of two countries but over a different issue (religion). This relates to the article because it is referring America to countries stating that we are fighting a war that really has nothing to do with America, but with the actions and beliefs of George W. Bush.

3. Unilateral- Having one side. There is no reverse side. For example: There are no two rivals.
Multilateral- Having many sides. Involving more than one.

todd said...

1.)Prometheus was a titan in greek mythology, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind. His punishment was to be chained to a rock and a vulture ate away at his regenerating liver. This is similar to America as a world power because as America took the power of Iraq from Suddam Hussien. Just like Prometheus took the fire from Zeus. Our punishment for this though is that our troops keep getting killed, but more and more troops keep getting sent over to Iraq. This relates to Prometheus because his liver kept getting ate away but kept regenerating itself, and our troops keep getting killed off but are regenerating as well.
2.) Gulliver was a man who traveled to many different places throughout the world. In his book he brought peace to two nations that were at war with each other.
3.)unilateral:undertaken or done by or on behalf of one side, party, or faction only; not mutual.
multilateral: undertaken or by on behalf of more than one party or side.

Brittany said...

1)The titan Prometheus was known as probably being the most intelligent titan. He stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals to use. Prometheus also did not tell Zeus of the prophesy that his son would overthrough him. As punishment for his actions, Zues ordered that Prometheus be chained up in the Caucasus mountains for eternity. This story is similar to that af America as a world power, because. America is seen as the all powerful Zeus. Bush is seen as prometheus. He is taking american power and putting it into his own plan. This might catch up with him and like Zeus to Prometheus, he will be Illiterally cast away from the american people forever.

2)Gulliver was a shipwrecked man captured by a race called the lilliputians, he eventually befriended them helping them concur the Blefuscu. When he refused to claim the new won territory as that of the Lilliputians, he was charged with treason and had to escape to avoid being blinded by order of the king of the Lillipyians. Bush is the Gulliver of the war of America and Afganistan, wich are the small greedy Lilliputians. He assists in the war efforts to save appearance, but he will never truly defeat them.

3)Unilateral - relating to, occurring on, or involving one side only.

Multilateral - having several or many sides; many-sided.